Methodological strategy to improve reading comprehension in Language and Literature in Higher Basic Education
Methodological strategy to improve reading comprehension in Language and Literature in Higher Basic EducationMain Article Content
Reading comprehension is a fundamental element in the learning process, which allows students to understand, interpret, and analyze the information contained in texts. The objective of this work is to contribute to the improvement of reading comprehension in high school students of an educational institution in the city of Quito, Ecuador, through the design of a methodological strategy. This research is based on the diagnosis of skills related to each of the levels of reading comprehension, using a mixed approach with descriptive and explanatory scopes. The results of the diagnosis show deficiencies in the critical level of reading comprehension in the group of students with whom the study was conducted. To conclude, the importance and urgency of having a methodological strategy to develop the different levels of reading comprehension, oriented to critical thinking and adapted to individual needs, is emphasized.
Reading comprehension is a fundamental element in the learning process, which allows students to understand, interpret, and analyze the information contained in texts. The objective of this work is to contribute to the improvement of reading comprehension in high school students of an educational institution in the city of Quito, Ecuador, through the design of a methodological strategy. This research is based on the diagnosis of skills related to each of the levels of reading comprehension, using a mixed approach with descriptive and explanatory scopes. The results of the diagnosis show deficiencies in the critical level of reading comprehension in the group of students with whom the study was conducted. To conclude, the importance and urgency of having a methodological strategy to develop the different levels of reading comprehension, oriented to critical thinking and adapted to individual needs, is emphasized.
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