Teaching some languages components: the Chinese case in Costa Rica
Teaching some languages components: the Chinese case in Costa RicaMain Article Content
During the Covid-19 pandemic, major changes occurred in foreign languages teaching. This research aims to analyze the methodological adaptation of Chinese teachers in various language components. This is a qualitative descriptive exploratory research conducted with eleven teachers in Costa Rica. An online questionnaire and a focus group discussion were used as data collection instruments. As main results, it was found that for the teaching of grammatical component and vocabulary, teachers employed the use of different technological applications for both synchronous and asynchronous session.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, major changes occurred in foreign languages teaching. This research aims to analyze the methodological adaptation of Chinese teachers in various language components. This is a qualitative descriptive exploratory research conducted with eleven teachers in Costa Rica. An online questionnaire and a focus group discussion were used as data collection instruments. As main results, it was found that for the teaching of grammatical component and vocabulary, teachers employed the use of different technological applications for both synchronous and asynchronous session.
Article Details
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