Education and Economic Development of Bolivia
Education and Economic Development of BoliviaMain Article Content
In this work, it was considered that education is the basis for emerging from poverty and improving people's quality of life, but considering access to impartial and quality education. In this way, the study established three aspects to analyze: first, examine the level of relationship between people's income with schooling, as a second aspect, discuss the impact of investing in education for the economy and third, the relationship of education and COVID - 19. After an exhaustive review on the topic, we consider that there is significant evidence both outside the country and within, that the level of education has an inversely proportional relationship with the educational level and is responsible for the person remains in poverty, education being the main factor that allows them to emerge from it. The pandemic has decreased the quality of our educational system, evidencing failures in the training and training of teachers, problems such as school dropouts, have caused a significant delay in curricular progress.
In this work, it was considered that education is the basis for emerging from poverty and improving people's quality of life, but considering access to impartial and quality education. In this way, the study established three aspects to analyze: first, examine the level of relationship between people's income with schooling, as a second aspect, discuss the impact of investing in education for the economy and third, the relationship of education and COVID - 19. After an exhaustive review on the topic, we consider that there is significant evidence both outside the country and within, that the level of education has an inversely proportional relationship with the educational level and is responsible for the person remains in poverty, education being the main factor that allows them to emerge from it. The pandemic has decreased the quality of our educational system, evidencing failures in the training and training of teachers, problems such as school dropouts, have caused a significant delay in curricular progress.
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