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Anselmo Bandera Comerón
Frank García Martínez

 The article addresses some theoretical-methodological reflections on the problem of the science-axiology relationship, where the evaluative factors of science are taken into account as a social process and as a fundamental form of investigative, evaluative and guiding activity, from a Marxist and Leninist Science is highlighted as a value, which acquires its true meaning for its cognitive and practical purposes, as essential social functions and the multiplicity of values that give them meaning as scientific praxis. The work contributes to the STS education of professionals of any specialty and expresses the need to assimilate its evaluative factors and the ethical-moral problems of science that they manifest in practice. The work can constitute a theoretical reference for the axiological education of professionals and the criticism of the contemporary bourgeois conceptions of the Philosophy of science.

 The article addresses some theoretical-methodological reflections on the problem of the science-axiology relationship, where the evaluative factors of science are taken into account as a social process and as a fundamental form of investigative, evaluative and guiding activity, from a Marxist and Leninist Science is highlighted as a value, which acquires its true meaning for its cognitive and practical purposes, as essential social functions and the multiplicity of values that give them meaning as scientific praxis. The work contributes to the STS education of professionals of any specialty and expresses the need to assimilate its evaluative factors and the ethical-moral problems of science that they manifest in practice. The work can constitute a theoretical reference for the axiological education of professionals and the criticism of the contemporary bourgeois conceptions of the Philosophy of science.


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How to Cite
Bandera Comerón, A., & García Martínez, F. . (2023). Science and Axiology. Some theoretical-methodological reflections for CTS education. Bolivian Education Journal, 5(8), 20–30.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Anselmo Bandera Comerón, Universidad de la Isla de la Juventud, Nueva Gerona

 Licenciado en Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia y Master en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Auxiliar y Jefe de disciplina de Marxismo de la Universidad “Jesús Montané Oropesa”, de la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. A participado en diversos eventos locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales de carácter pedagógico, histórico y filosófico. Integra el Proyecto de pensamiento martiano en la formación del estudiante pinero. Miembro de la Asociación de Pedagogos de Cuba y de la Unión de Historiadores de Cuba.

Frank García Martínez, Universidad de la Isla de la Juventud, Nueva Gerona

Licenciado en Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia. Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia y Presidente del Observatorio Social, de la Universidad “Jesús Montané Oropesa”, de la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. A participado en diversos eventos locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales de carácter pedagógico e histórico. Integra el Proyecto de Guerra de Liberación Nacional. Ha incursionado en investigaciones acerca de la personalidad histórica de Fidel Castro Ruz. Miembro de la Asociación de Pedagogos de Cuba y de la Unión de Historiadores de Cuba.


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