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Pablo José Cedeño Meléndez
Nurys del Carmen Márquez de Velásquez
Yamily del Carmen Betancourt Duno

The figure of the tutor has been important in virtual training, his role becomes even  more crucial in times of crisis or pandemics. The purpose of the article is to provide  keys for the effective training of virtual tutors from the Centro de Investigaciones  Educativas de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. He worked  with a qualitative approach, a critical reflective paradigm, and applied Elliot’s model. To  collect information, the technique of participant observation and the researcher’s diary  are used. The instrument is an unstructured interview. For the information processing,  the triangulation of sources is used. The results ensure the appropriate methodology  and resources generate personalized and ideal learning for teachers. The keys to teacher  training by the CIE UNERMB have a positive impact in several aspects: strengthening the  autonomy and empowerment of teachers, developing the ability to face challenges and  make decisions, generating confidence and consolidating the practice of the virtual tutor.

The figure of the tutor has been important in virtual training, his role becomes even  more crucial in times of crisis or pandemics. The purpose of the article is to provide  keys for the effective training of virtual tutors from the Centro de Investigaciones  Educativas de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. He worked  with a qualitative approach, a critical reflective paradigm, and applied Elliot’s model. To  collect information, the technique of participant observation and the researcher’s diary  are used. The instrument is an unstructured interview. For the information processing,  the triangulation of sources is used. The results ensure the appropriate methodology  and resources generate personalized and ideal learning for teachers. The keys to teacher  training by the CIE UNERMB have a positive impact in several aspects: strengthening the  autonomy and empowerment of teachers, developing the ability to face challenges and  make decisions, generating confidence and consolidating the practice of the virtual tutor.


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How to Cite
Cedeño Meléndez, P. J., Márquez de Velásquez, N. del C., & Betancourt Duno, Y. del C. (2024). Keys to effective training of virtual tutors. Educational research center. Bolivian Education Journal, 6(11), 7–24.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Pablo José Cedeño Meléndez, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, Cabimas, Venezuela

Ingeniero de Computación – Universidad Alonso de Ojeda (2008). Magister Scientiarum en Gerencia de Empresas, mención: Gerencia de Operaciones – Universidad del Zulia (2014). Doctor en Educación – Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt (2023).

Nurys del Carmen Márquez de Velásquez, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, Cabimas, Venezuela

Licenciada en Estudios Internacionales (UCV), MSc. Docencia para la Educación Superior (UNERMB), Dra. en Ciencias mención Investigación(URBE) Ph.D. En Gerencia de la Educación Superior en Venezuela (URBE). Trayectoria de 30 años en Investigación Educativa, en seminarios de pre-postgrado, coordinando línea de investigación del CIE-UNERMB y participación activa en eventos.

Yamily del Carmen Betancourt Duno, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, Cabimas, Venezuela

Doctora en Educación. Coordinadora de Centro de Investigación Educativa. UNERMB. Profesora por hora, áreas investigación y prácticas docentes profesionales


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