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Raquel Salgado Sandoval

Given the situation that the world is suffering from lockdown due to the pandemic caused by COVID 19, there is a need to assess the socio-emotional skills that children and adolescents are experiencing to find out how they are in their emotional intelligence, with what socio-emotional skills count and which aspects of emotional formation need to be reinforced from teaching practice. The investigation of this study was mixed, non-experimental - descriptive. An instrument was sought to be applied to determine the aspects that are affecting children and adolescents in this time of confinement, to a group of students from a primary level school of particular support in the face of the experience of some situations similar to those previously mentioned that some experience, and that it is necessary to address for success in personal and school life.

Given the situation that the world is suffering from lockdown due to the pandemic caused by COVID 19, there is a need to assess the socio-emotional skills that children and adolescents are experiencing to find out how they are in their emotional intelligence, with what socio-emotional skills count and which aspects of emotional formation need to be reinforced from teaching practice. The investigation of this study was mixed, non-experimental - descriptive. An instrument was sought to be applied to determine the aspects that are affecting children and adolescents in this time of confinement, to a group of students from a primary level school of particular support in the face of the experience of some situations similar to those previously mentioned that some experience, and that it is necessary to address for success in personal and school life.


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How to Cite
Salgado Sandoval, R. (2022). Socioemotional Skills Assessment Experience for primary school students from a socioformative approach. Bolivian Education Journal, 4(7), 20–30.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Raquel Salgado Sandoval, Centro Universitario CIFE, Estado de México, México

Sociólogo (PUC), Magíster en Sociología (PUC), con certificados académicos en Ciencia Política y Ciencias de la Educación. Experiencia profesional como consultor para oficina UNESCO, CEPPE-UC, Fundación Chile y Centro de Estudio e Investigación sobre Familia (CEIF-UFT). Experiencia como autor principal de artículos en revistas científicas SCOPUS-Scielo y como profesor universitario de pre y postgrado en metodología de la investigación cuantitativa, análisis de datos y software computacional en las universidades Santo Tomás, Mayor, UNIACC y Finis Terrae.


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