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Luis Ángel Báez Ramírez

It is urgent to rethink questions of basic education that allow breaking old paradigms and opening new horizons in the field of the way students learn and teachers teach, this represents a more acute understanding of the pedagogical approaches that schools have adopted. This article presents a documentary research on proactivity in the school environment, since the need to prepare students through proactive learning has been detected, to face the two great current challenges of education that are dropout and poor school performance; This article also aims to reorient and familiarize the teacher with the term of proactive learning from socioformation. It has helped to clarify the term proactive learning and its characteristics through the methodology of multidisciplinary training projects and the impact they have on developing autonomous learning. Distance education has now become one more challenge for education worldwide, especially when it is not prepared for it and it is urgent that the actors involved assume their responsibilities to cultivate a proactive culture. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that turning the student into the protagonist in the teaching and learning process, based on their own methodologies, tools and competences, allows them to enhance their opportunities to reach the highest standards in school performance and achievement.

It is urgent to rethink questions of basic education that allow breaking old paradigms and opening new horizons in the field of the way students learn and teachers teach, this represents a more acute understanding of the pedagogical approaches that schools have adopted. This article presents a documentary research on proactivity in the school environment, since the need to prepare students through proactive learning has been detected, to face the two great current challenges of education that are dropout and poor school performance; This article also aims to reorient and familiarize the teacher with the term of proactive learning from socioformation. It has helped to clarify the term proactive learning and its characteristics through the methodology of multidisciplinary training projects and the impact they have on developing autonomous learning. Distance education has now become one more challenge for education worldwide, especially when it is not prepared for it and it is urgent that the actors involved assume their responsibilities to cultivate a proactive culture. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that turning the student into the protagonist in the teaching and learning process, based on their own methodologies, tools and competences, allows them to enhance their opportunities to reach the highest standards in school performance and achievement.


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How to Cite
Báez Ramírez, L. Ángel. (2022). The challenge of implementing a proactive learning approach in basic education facing the great challenges of dissertation and low student performance. Bolivian Education Journal, 4(7), 67–76.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Luis Ángel Báez Ramírez, Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, México

Licenciado en Educación Secundaria con Especialidad en Telesecundaria, egresado de la
Escuela Particular Normal Superior Lic. Benito Juárez; Actualmente es estudiante de posgrado
en el centro universitario CIFE y colaborador al mismo tiempo en esta institución como
Facilitador y tutor en los diferentes cursos y diplomados que CIFE oferta en México. Presta
servicios desde hace más de 10 años al gobierno de México como docente frente a grupo de
educación básica.


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